Software: Procreate, Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere Pro), TVPaint, Affinity Publisher, DaVinci Resolve
Currently based in Bucharest, I am always open to new adventures! I am a graduate of the MA Character Animation course at CSM, University of Arts London, with a love of all things 2D. So I enjoy experimenting and working with a variety of tools on illustrations and visual development for 2D animation. If left to my own devices, my art will often be aimed at children. I also like to play with atmosphere and emotion in a way that makes others go ‘aww, I get that.'
At the moment, I am working as an illustrator on a children's picture book project with a team based in China.
Whenever I am not drawing, I might be found exploring new places, gushing over other people's work, or flexing my developing baking skills (there may or may not be a muffin on my desk right now). 
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